Alpha is a toolkit for evangelisation.

Never in our lifetime has the opportunity to demonstrate the heart of Christ and the mission of the church been greater.

Nobody knows how long this season will last; putting mission on hold isn’t an option.

Make 2023 the year your church focuses on mission.


What is Alpha?

Alpha Suite creates a culture of discipleship within your church with a focus on prayer, hospitality, and mission.

The same Alpha content is run all over the world by Christians of all traditions and provides a common expression of faith.


The Alpha Suite has everything you need to serve your wider community and strengthen your Church.


Last year alone, more than 5,000 people in Ireland experienced Alpha, and millions more have attended Alpha in over 100 countries and over 100 languages around the globe.


The Alpha Suite

The Alpha Suite consists of 7 courses designed to help your congregation and wider community encounter Jesus.

01 Alpha
02 Alpha Youth
03 The Marriage Course
04 The Pre-Marriage Course
05 The Parenting Children Course
06 The Parenting Teens Course
07 Life Shared

*All of our courses can be run online, in person, or a hybrid of both.

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How it works

Encounter is most effective when it involves 3 key elements:

01 Connection

Whether in person over a meal or online with a cup of tea, all sessions start with a time to connect, relax, and build friendships.

02 Content

All of our courses feature high quality video content made to engage people from all walks of life. Generally 20-30 minutes long, they are designed to inspire conversation.

03 Conversation

The time for discussion encourages meaningful conversation and an opportunity to share in an open, welcoming, and judgement-free environment.

*The Pre-Marriage Course & The Marriage Course are entirely private with discussion kept between partners.


The Alpha Suite will bring your church to life as disciples are formed and a culture of hospitality and mission develops.


Getting started

The Gospel is 100% free. Alpha is too.

Simply create an account with MyAlpha, our online platform, to access all our course content plus training, promotional, and planning resources.

Start sharing life, faith, and meaning with the Alpha Suite.
