Alpha Academy Part Two
Intentional outreach made practical.
At Alpha, we believe that the guest deserves the best.
This is why everything at Alpha is designed to help the guest have a world class experience of feeling welcomed, valued and loved.
The Greek word for Hospitality is Philoxenos - combining “philo” meaning “love of”, and “xeno” meaing “the other”.
It literally means “love of the other”. It’s the polar opposite of xenophobia, and it’s at the heart of what makes a great Alpha.
There are so many ways we can create a truly hospitable environment for guests to experience. There’s food, sure, but there’s also the physical environment, not to mention how we give the guest our full and complete attention.
Let’s explore some practical ways to create great hospitality.
things matter most
The good news is that great hospitality is formed on some simple things, and these are often the things that don’t actually cost any money.
Remembering someone’s name goes a long way to helping the guest feel seen, heard, valued and loved. If you struggle to remember names, using simple name tags is a great way to make sure you don’t forget!
As the weeks go by on Alpha, following up on something that someone said during the last session also means a lot to people. Perhaps during the week they had a driving test, or a big presentation to give in work. Remembering the cares and concerns of the guest and intentionally following up on them helps to create a sense of belonging.
the table
Jesus spent much of his time having meals with people. Table fellowship allows new conversations to happen, as people open up while they break bread together. When it comes to hospitality on Alpha, what food is offered is often less important than why it’s offered.
Some people love nothing more than cooking a nice hot meal for people. Others enjoy sharing a homemade pastry with the perfect coffee. For others, a nice simple dessert is all they need.
Alpha provides guests with the chance to be fed - physically, emotionally and spiritually. Providing relaxed time for good conversation around a table is the perfect way to start Alpha each week. And when guests are fed well, sharing food together, they are often more open to sharing their thoughts, hopes and dreams, too.
to improve
Considering the space you’re using to run Alpha is important. Alpha is meant to be a safe, secure place to share. Does the physical environment reflect that? Is the room cold and sterile? Is it too dark? Too bright? These are some of the questions you can ask yourself to make sure that everyone feels at home when they experience Alpha.
Simple table decorations can transform a space easily. Consider candles or flowers for the table, or a nice tablecloth. Also think about the room and how it looks. Perhaps change the lighting - using lamps or fairy lights instead of the main house lights can make a big difference. You could also have a simple playlist with some good music in the background to help guests feel at ease as they enter.
A simple way to help guests feel valued and appreciated when the arrive is to have a team member smiling and greeting them at the door. The team member can also give them a name tag and show them where to sit. Ideally, choose a team member who enjoys this task. First impressions count a lot!